This digital painting timelapse of a Ballerina dancer was created in Procreate app on an iPad with an Apple Pencil. ~~~~~~~~🌐📸 in F – Tranquillity by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.…Source:…Artist:
Category: Uncategorized
Watch First 8 Minutes of ‘In the Heights’!
See. This. Movie. In. THEATERS. Repeat. Watch the first 8 minutes — the opening song — of the “In the Heights” below:

Olive Tree of Life Burning Bush Mural at Home
More painting on the walls. It’s basically a colourful olive tree and a big ol’ dove – not the official title but yeah…. Stream-of-conscious thoughts behind this painting: burning bush / consuming fire / olive tree / tree of Life / wheat / chaff / noah’s dove / holy spirit / holy rest / shabbat…