White Afro – First Painting of 2021

Black Man with White Beard and Large White Afro that whimsically whisps upward like a flame
White Afro

I watched a reaction video to another video called, “What are White People Superior At?”, and a quick blip of this guy caught my attention. Interesting look and silhouette with his big white afro, beard, and some glasses. So I painted him from memory.

Painted in: iPad Procreate App / Apple Pencil

Artist Statement?

Art criticism demands a specific voice and definition of your art. Many artists believe that their art must ‘say something’, thus fulfilling some arbitrary parameters. For those of us who studied art formally*, it’s often required to pass a class or graduate. Following society’s trend of allowing everyone to have their own version of the truth, artist’s statements can be anything, everything, and nothing.

The Art World: What is your art about? What does your art say about the current social climate? What is your voice?

Me:  Well, it’s all kindalikesorta, ya know?

Storytelling is also a part of the arts, and knowing the story or artist behind an art piece can enhance or detract from it. I like when an art piece speaks for itself. Whether it’s a cartoon doodle or a filmed character-study, I don’t always want explanations, backstory, and cleverly-worded, heartstring-pulling artist bios. Let the art stand or fall while the viewer opines on its meaning and artistic value. Part of making art is about expression and catharsis, and the affinity for creating for creation’s sake. I’m not even against artists’ statement, really; I just like to draw.  

* MFA, Visual Development – Academy of Art University / BA, Cinematic Arts & Technology – CSU Monterey Bay

Queens Gambit Doodle

cartoonish digital doodle of the main character of Netflix show Queen's Gambit
a little Beth doodle while watching the Queen’s Gambit on Netflix. really cool show.

Pixies on Pandas! Illustration

why do they ride pandas if they have wings? maybe flight drains their magical powers? and wouldn’t these be GARGANTUAN-sized pixies? or are these teeny tiny pandas?
maybe this united group of ostracized giant pixies were considered abominations in their culture and their wings are torn off at birth?
or maybe a slight genetic variation gives them massive size but tiny useless wings?

anyhoo, “Pixies on Pandas” is the idea. this is what I’ve got to show for it 😁🐼🧚🏽‍♀️

See it on Instagram >